Piano lessons taking place at Pulse – www.pulsemusicliverpool.com
Music Lessons Liverpool Now!
The summer break is over and we’re ready to go again at Pulse – the number one school for music lessons in Liverpool. As well as our tried and tested lessons on Drums, Guitar, Piano & Voice, we will be further developing our woodwind and stringed instruments with lessons on Flute, Clarinet & violin. We have a very special instrument offer for these lessons with details to follow soon. We’ve just added a new teaching studio to satisfy the demand for high quality music lessons in Liverpool.
That Was A Very Good Year!
Last school year saw our best ever performance ever with numbers growing at our Pulse site in Mossley Hill and also in our partner schools – Carleton House Prep, West Derby School & Cardinal Heenan High School. Exam entries were up on previous years and again we are proud to boast a 100% pass rate. Well done to all of our students and our teaching staff for all their hard work and dedication. We offer exam grades in all instruments through Rockschool, ABRSM and Trinity examination boards. Although not for all students, grades do provide an incentive for some and also count towards UCAS applications. Our most popular instruments for grades at our Liverpool Music School is drum kit, closely followed by Piano.
Music Lessons Liverpool Now! – We offer a free taster lesson on all instruments and offer lessons for children and adults. We also have band sessions and recently staged our first bands concert at Pulse. There’s no ongoing commitment to lessons at Pulse – try your free taster lesson and either walk away or decide to have lessons. Once you begin lessons we only ask for one month’s notice to cancel lessons. Why not try a free taster lesson of your choice at Liverpool’s number one music school – Pulse Music Lessons South Liverpool today!
Click Here To Book Your Free Lesson: http://pulsemusicliverpool.com/music-lesson-booking/
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