Liverpool's Number 1 Tutor Service

Management Page


Term Dates & Lessons


Autumn Term 2021

  • Starts: Monday 6th September
  • Ends: Friday 18th December
  • Half Term: Monday 25th October

Spring Term 2022

  • Starts: Monday 3rd January
  • Ends: Friday 9th April
  • Half term: Monday 21st February

Summer Term 2022

  • Starts: Monday 20th April
  • Ends: Monday 18th July
  • Half Term: Monday 30th May


Assessment Process

Assessment Process:

1. Client books appointment – send them the link.

2. Assessment booked in – will include form information – forward to teacher. Client will have read assessment information & FAQ’s.

3. Teacher delivers assessment session.

4. Teacher submits form.

5. Decide time available – forward email template text & payment set up link.

6. Gocardless client set up email arrives.

7. Book lessons in for year – book the first one individually (so that they receive confirmation) – then set up DD from 1st of following month & one off payment for the rest of lessons in the current calendar month.

8. Every Wednesday – create availability for assessments – in ‘Lesson Types”.

Contact Us


Tel: 0151 724 2120

Address: 63 Booker Avenue, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, L18 4QZ

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