Liverpool's Number 1 Tutor Service

Carleton House – Year 3 Instrumental Music Lessons

Your son / daughter will be participating in a programme of instrumental taster lessons during the Autumn term in school. The programme will give the children the opportunity to try a range of instruments, including Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone, Violin, Percussion & Trumpet. Following this, the children will receive weekly instrumental lessons.

Please read the information below regarding the instrumental programme at Carleton House. Your views and information about your child’s musical experiences will feed into our process and ask that you submit the form at the bottom of this page, telling us about your child’s previous / current musical experiences.

About Us

We are a music school based in Mossley Hill and the delivery partner for instrumental music lessons at Carleton House. Our team of teachers deliver more than 500 music lessons every week at our music school in Mossley Hill and at Liverpool’s top performing schools. We also host examinations for all the major international examination boards, including ABRSM, Trinity & Rockschool. 






When Do Instrumental Lessons Take Place & Is There A Charge?

Instrumental lessons are part of the curriculum at Carleton House and take place on Tuesdays between 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Children do not miss any other areas of the curriculum to take part in the programme. Lessons will continue beyond Year 3 for the rest of your child’s time at Carleton House.

There are no additional fees payable for instrumental music lessons.

How Will My Child's Instrument Be Decided?


All of the year 3 children will have taster lessons on all instruments during the Autumn term.


Using their professional judgement, our teachers make recommendations as to the suitability of instruments for each child. Sometimes, children show an immediate aptitude for an instrument or teachers can predict future ‘growth’ into the instrument. It is important to note that for some instruments such as brass & woodwind, physical considerations are paramount for children in Year 3 – holding of larger instruments or development of lips for the production of sound on brass instruments, for example.


Our teachers use their professional judgement to highlight the instruments in which each child displays aptitude. Teachers will also note the children’s response to, and enjoyment of instruments.

Student Voice

We will  consult with the children at the start of the process  to find out their current musical learning and aspirations for future instrumental choices. This will then be followed by individual meetings at the conclusion of the taster programme, to gather their feedback and preferences moving forward.


A combination of factors will result in the final choice of instrument for each child. These include:

  • The professional judgement of teachers

  • The aptitude of each child for particular instruments

  • The choices made by each child

  • Logistical & resource considerations

    • Please note that it is impossible for every child to move forward with lessons in their first choice instrument.  There are space, resource and logistical considerations that will be factored in affect final instrument choices. The professional judgement of our teachers will be the main consideration during the process.

Lessons, Orchestra & Examinations


Lessons are generally  delivered in small groups (usually 2 children) and on occasion, one to one. Lessons last for 30 minutes. There are a whole range of logistical / staffing & resource considerations when delivering lessons to 23 children within a one hour period and compromises have to be made to ensure successful delivery. 


There is an Orchestra in school that meets on Wednesdays after school for children in Year 5 & 6. Children are invited to Orchestra when their teachers feel that they are ready to participate in a group music making environment.


All of the children will follow learning programmes set by all of the leading examination boards and when appropriate, we will submit children for public examinations. Grades can be achieved with consistent practice of instruments at home.


Will My Child Need An Instrument?

Instrument Usage / Purchase

Your child will use a school instrument for lessons.

It is clear from our experience of Carleton children learning instruments in school during previous years, that good results can be achieved though regular and supported practice at home. We have wholesale deals with suppliers and can supply instruments at approximately 70% of retail cost, passing on savings to parents. We will send you information regarding instruments following the taster programme.



Pulse is the school delivery partner for instrumental music lessons and manage all elements of the programme. The school office will forward any questions or queries to ourselves, so we ask that parents contact us direct.

Our Contact Information:

Pulse Music School

63 Booker Avenue, Mossley Hill, Liverpool L18 4QZ – 0151 724 2120

Carleton House - Year 3 Lessons

Contact Us


Tel: 0151 724 2120

Address: 63 Booker Avenue, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, L18 4QZ

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